Categories: News

by admin


Categories: News

by admin


Another secret for a fulfilling marriage is Respect.

In Matthew 7:12, the instruction is simple, “So whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets.” Romans 12:10 adds another layer to it, “Outdo one another in showing honor.” We have probably heard it said that men need respect or that wives should respect their husbands. That is right and should be so. However, the truth is respect is not gender-based. Everyone- man or woman- deserves that feeling of admiration, where they know their abilities, essence, and achievements are appreciated and not taken for granted.

An atmosphere of love and respect for both the husband and wife makes a marriage fulfilling. It is gratifying to know your spouse regards your feelings and does not ignore your concerns. There is no better motivation to do more and be more when you know the person you are with considers your opinion on issues and acknowledges them.

Do you show respect to your spouse?


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