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Categories: News

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Forgivers & Lovers in Lasting Marriage (I)

More than Just Lovers: Forgivers

The ability to forgive is the ability to release people who offend you from the guilt and the consequences of their offences against you. Forgiveness is required in any relationship. It is especially required in marriage that will last. It is easier to handle the matters of hurts and offences in other relationships than it is in marriage. Have you ever wondered why some friendships last longer than some marriages? One reason among others is because of the level of intimacy involved in marriage. The closer you are in any relationship, the more susceptible and vulnerable you become to being offended and offending. The one you hardly talk to; you will hardly talk to rudely. The more regularly you see someone the more frequently they are likely to do things that will hurt you.

In other relationships, it is easier to let people be in their places with little or no interactions to avoid being offended at them, but not so in marriage. The level of animosity that other relationships go through and survive, the very core of marriage can be ripped apart the moment marriage goes through the same.

Beyond any other form of relationships, marriage is threatened regularly with offences that linger unforgiven. A happy marriage is made of two forgivers not just two lovers. This is why those who seem to be all over each other at the beginning of their relationships surprisingly go through very brutal separations and divorces because of issues that come up along the way. Unforgiven offences will turn very good lovers into the worst foes unless by some divine arrangements, they both learn to be more than just lovers but forgivers.



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