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Categories: News

by admin



One of the most quoted verses of the Bible is John 3:16 which states: “For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life”(NIV). God, knowing that the man, He originally created became caricatured because of sin and that there was no way any union of caricatured man or woman could become Godly, made a way out for man to recoup in Christian marriage.

With the fall of man also came death of Godly marriage. Marriage can thus be reborn only if man became reborn. Just as reasonableness left man as a result of his fall, so did the wholesomeness that was to be accomplished through Godly marriage. The whole scenario was painful to the eternally loving God and He made a way of escape; redemption through the atoning blood of Jesus Christ. However, the original grace of God’s nature, the image of God in which He made man will not be withdrawn. Man should continue to make his choice in matters of life as opposed to most other creatures who live by instincts.

Man must choose. Thus, the Scriptures, in John 3:16, harps on WHOEVER. Any man or woman that ever finds out that he or she is not the man or woman described in Part II as personae in Christian marriage can choose to be redeemed, saved or reborn by believing in the Lord Jesus Christ. When he or she does from his/her heart (Rom. 10:9-10), God helps him/her to make all things become new 2 Cor. 5:17). Grace is provided for him/her to become the man and woman of God described in this personae. Strengths, wisdom and grace to yield fruit of the Christian marriage become endowed. He/she begins to thirst and hunger for materials that build the inner man (Eph. 3:16; 1 Pet. 3:4). There is no point in time anyone borne of flesh desires and chooses to come back to God, that God does not grant grace (Is.1:18; Jn. 6:37). What is merely needed is the choice or willingness  of the penitent to come to the Saviour and call on or believe in Him.

How wonderful if this opportunity is seized while one is single and one follows the precepts as laid out in Gen. 2 in going into marriage. However, hope is not lost for any marriage as described in Part I of these series other than the Christian marriage. What typically is missing is the presence of God and the reformation of the personae involved. The personae can recognize the need for reformation because no one can meet the standards of God in his/her own power. One needs to return to God for reformation and it is by choosing to be saved. The only pathway is Christ (Acts 4:12). In my experience, each partner can decide together to return to the Lord and seek help of the Christian community.

On the other hand, it may happen that each partner come to Christ one after the other. If it happens in the latter way, patience, love, intercession and genuine concern must be accorded to the unyielding partner till God pulls him or her. The promise of God is to save and together with the households. The saved partner must trust God for His unfailing promises.

Concluding this series, I must affirm that God’s wish for all is to have life and that in abundance (Jn. 10:10). Part of the provision to reach that life satisfaction is the provision of Christian marriage that has been bastardized by the devil. Man is not at loss because God in His great love made a way to come back into the bliss and take control of the world. That, however, will depend on the choices we make from day to day. If you decide today to make your marriage a Christian marriage, oh what peace, victory fruitfulness, you will enjoy!!! Why not let go and let God into your lives and marriage now and always!

The conclusion of the matter is, BE A CHRISTIAN IN AND OUT to have a Christian marriage. Remain blessed.


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