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Categories: News

by admin



The Scriptures say that by their fruits, ye shall know or recognize them (Matthew 7:16 & 20). This truth is well recognized by taxonomists. One powerful identifier of living creatures is the nature of their fruits. Hence, a potent identifier of the Christian marriage, which by our consideration in Part II of this series, is a unique and deliberate creature of God, is its fruits.

By fruits of marriage, I mean the results and activities produced by the marriage. Where the fruits are in tandem with the purpose of marriage as established earlier – wholesomeness of man, God naturedness of man, peaceableness in home and society, productivity of man, supernaturalness of man in obedience to Godly precepts and holiness and living in constant victory over the various onslaught of satan to separate man from God. It is in a Christian Marriage that all of the precepts of God in Ephesians 5:21-6:4 and 1Pet. 3:1-9 can be a reality. Of course, no man born of woman and not reborn in Christ can meet these standards of expectation in Christian marriage. It is for the sole purpose of God bringing man and woman back to the ones described in Gen. 1 & 2 that made God become man in Christ to reconcile the degenerate man.

Therefore, only the redeemed man and woman following God can enter the holy estate of Marriage and bear the fruit of marriage, creating families that can produce a peaceable, progressive and sustainable world. This is one reason why some Christian community, Church, would want to affirm the status of the redemption of some partners wanting to be married. Unsaved man and woman may at best be deceiving themselves if wanting to have a Christian marriage.

Christian marriage is indeed honorable and it is almost mandatory for any to live a fulfilled life. What then is the way out if my or your own marriage is not a Christian marriage? How then, can I, a single, have a Christian marriage? These questions are addressed in Part IV of this series on Christian Marriage.


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