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Categories: News

by admin



Marriage across all cultures is seen as the coming together of two people, usually of the opposite sex to live together in a matrimony. However, cultural differences differentiate these marriages. In some climes, mutual consent of the partners is essential. In some others, maturity of the partners is vital. In some, families’ consent is critical. In some, court and government processes are involved and in some, some forms of religious or customary or cultural rites are involved. Consequently, we have marriages described with such terms as traditional, customary, religious, court, civil union or consent, and in recent times, through unconceivable meanness of man (Romans 1:28-32), gay marriage is found in statute books. Yet to be found in statute books, though in existence out of the depravity of man, are marriages of man to animal and an adult man to a child. I use interchangeably ‘man’ to depict a human being, male or female.

Unfortunately, all of the above is one of the many corruptions of the excellent creations that God provided for the abundance of life for man. God’s pointed enemy, knowing the value God put on man chose to subvert God’s intention, good plan and thoughts for man (Is. 55:8, 12-13; Jer. 29:11) by stealing, killing and destroying man’s good life (Jn 10:10) through the corrupting of all Institutions that God put in place to help man fulfill purpose, for it was not good for the man of Gen. 2:7 to be alone. The Institutions are: 1. Family through Marriage (Gen. 2:15-18, 22-24); 2. Government, Authority or rulership of man by man for man or Rule of Law (Exodus 19-23, Rom. 13:1-5) (organization of Society); and the Church (Matt. 16:15-19) by sending of a new and redeeming Adam, Jesus Christ, the Saviour and Lord.

The Christian Marriage is that which is constituted according to the principles and precepts expatiated in Genesis 1 and 2 of the Christian Bible. Some will say, Biblical marriage is Christian marriage but let me quickly point out too, that it is not all marriages mentioned or described in the Bible that fit into Godly marriage. So, I gladly invite you to the next episode which elucidates what a Christian marriage is. Stay blessed.


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