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Categories: News

by admin


Obedience to divine instructions – your greatest asset (2 Kings 4:3-7)

The widow’s story changed from penury to prosperity because she obeyed the voice of the Lord through Elisha. We are guaranteed of prosperity when we diligently obey the voice of the Lord our God (Deut.28: 1-2). When God is our Shepherd indeed, we shall never want because He will lead us to where we can get green pastures. The woman in our text obeyed the voice of the Lord and she became very prosperous during famine. Christian couples must be deliberate in living lives of absolute obedience to God knowing that the blessing of the Lord makes rich and adds no sorrow.

The last instruction to the woman was to “go, and sell the oil…” 2Kings 4:6. We cannot afford to sit back and do nothing, despite all of God’s endowments/promises on us. The oil would have remained as oil in borrowed vessels if the woman did not go out and trade with it. She looked for customers and advertised her goods. She had something to offer in exchange for value (money).

Each Christian couple must think of what they can offer in meeting people’s needs. Financial resources flow in the direction of those who meet specific needs.


The writer, Ayorinde Banjoko, is a child of God, married to Mojisola, and blessed with children. He is an accountant by profession.


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