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Categories: News

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Set aside for your house (2 Kings 4: 2)

“What do you have in the house?” was the question of Elisha to the wife of the deceased prophet. Couples need to make conscious efforts to make investments and savings for their home. “Whoever does not provide for his own, especially for those of his own house, has denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel” 1 Tim. 5:8. You can not leave the future of your family to chance. Each couple should agree on investment and saving plans and stick to it. The widow and her children were able to overcome their financial difficulty because they had “a jar of oil” in the house. The “jar of oil” in the house became the source of financial freedom for this family.

We should not look for short cuts to financial freedom but look inward at what God has helped us to set aside in our houses. Christian couples should pray and trust God to open their eyes to discover their “jar of oil” and also set aside some of it for their house. This is only possible when couples deliberately engage themselves on what they can do to provide for their home, how much should be set aside periodically for the family, what are the best possible investments plans for the family resources etc.

We have been endowed individually by God; therefore, our combined efforts will yield greater result as couples leverage each other’s grace (jar of oil). God’s promise is that “one man will chase a thousand and two will put ten thousand to flight”.

The writer, Ayorinde Banjoko, is a child of God, married to Mojisola and blessed with children. He is an accountant by profession.


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