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Categories: News

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Plan with your spouse (2 Kings 4: 1-2)

The wife of the prophet cried to Elisha about the precarious financial situation left by her husband after his death. While the husband was alive, Elisha had been around and they probably had more oil than what was left when she was asked what she had at home. Planning and discussing the financial situation of the family together is very important for couples. Christian couples should be open about their financial situation and look for ways to provide solutions to any problem together. This woman would probably have suggested to the husband to talk to Elisha when he was still alive, but it is surprising that she took this step after the death of her husband.

Couples save themselves a lot of embarrassing situations when finances are discussed openly and exhaustively with each other. They should take their financial condition to God in prayers together, draw up a budget together and make decisions on family expenses together. The woman mentioned to the servant of God that she had a jar of oil. Was there no oil in the house when the prophet was alive, or did she keep it as “her oil” while the husband lived?  Our eyes are opened to God’s provision for our financial prosperity when there is a free flow of information between couples.

The writer, Ayorinde Banjoko, is a child of God, married to Mojisola and blessed with children. He is an accountant by profession.


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