Categories: News

by admin


Categories: News

by admin


A fulfilling marriage is a marriage where the couple is committed to each other’s happiness and growth and are together achieving purpose in an atmosphere of friendship, trust, and respect.

God created man, put him in the garden, and asked him to tend it. Then He said, ‘it is not good for man to be alone.’ He was in other words saying, ‘I am going to provide you companionship while you carry out your assignment of tending the garden. I want you to have someone to chat with, play with, discuss with, plan with, share ideas with, do life together with, and fulfill purpose with. I do not want you sad and lonely while ‘tending the garden.’ So, God made a helpmeet for man. If we are going to list factors or secrets that make for a fulfilling marriage, therefore, friendship will be top on the list.

Are you your spouse’s friend?

If your conversations only center around bills that must be paid and tasks that must be done, then we doubt if you and your partner are really friends.


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