We believe that God works through His people.

At FRM, we believe that God works through His people and He has not given or put in any single man, all that His people need.

“The body is a unit, though it is comprised of many parts. And although its parts are many, they all form one body. So it is with Christ … even so the body is not made up of one part but of many.” 1Cor 12:12, 14

“But to each one of us grace has been given as Christ apportioned it.” Eph 4:7 NIV

There abound lots of ministry opportunities to use your resources as a service unto God through FRM. Below is a list of such available opportunities, with summary of the roles:

We seek for Intercessors

We seek for Intercessors who will travail in the place of prayer, faithfully raising their voices before God for the advancement of the ministry in all that God has called FRM to do. This will be done privately and corporately at our virtual prayer meeting every Tuesday night.

Marriage Ministry

Apart from preparing singles for marriage, FRM has the vision to enrich Christian marriages and align Christian couples to the God-kind of marriage and home, using the Word of God as our standard.

Volunteers to this cause would commit to serve, moderate, teach, schedule and coordinate activities as Group Administrators in line with the purpose of the groups as follows:

  1. Sacred Marriage: This group focuses on helping each spouse become the God-centered spouse. We amplify God’s expectations of husbands and wives in marriages by establishing the truth of God’s word, making the lessons more practical than theoretical, and encouraging members of the group to keep to God’s expectations of their marriages.
  2. Sacred Parenting: This group focuses on equipping parents to work together as they learn how to raise godly children. Parenting strategies in line with the word of God that are sure to produce the expected results are also discussed.

Singles’ Ministry Coordinators

The Online Singles’ ministry is aimed at equipping singles in making the right marital choices and helping those in courtship to prepare properly for a godly marriage. This is carried out independently through our WhatsApp groups: Sacred Search and Sacred Courtship.

For this cause, we seek volunteers who would be committed to serve, moderate, teach, schedule and coordinate activities as Group Administrators in line with the purpose of the groups as follows:

  1. Sacred Search – This group is targeted at equipping singles with the aim of preparing them for marriage and enhancing their capacity to make godly marital choices.
  2. Sacred Courtship – This group focuses on helping those in relationships prepare properly for a godly marriage by making the most of their courtship days.

Children Ministry

As part of our mandate to build families, we reach out to children through the Children Holiday Devotional group on WhatsApp and through quarterly virtual hangouts for children.

Volunteers in this team would serve as Administrators on the Holiday Devotional Group, and also help to plan and execute the hangouts.

Social Media Outreach

FRM reaches out with Bible-based contents (social media posts and graphic designs) on marriage to a wide range of audience across the world through her social media platforms on a weekly basis. This enables us to reach families on a wider scope and to be the light as we serve as positive influences for godly marriages.

To effectively carry out this mandate, a vibrant team is needed to focus on:

  1. Content creation
  2. Graphic designs
  3. Video
  4. Publicity (Posts, Social media ads, Ads boosting, etc.)

Volunteers are expected to commit to any or all of the units that make up the social media outreach, with a basic knowledge of such unit(s). They are required to be dedicated to the sensitivity and demands of the entire team.

Couples Dinner Planning Committees

FRM organizes Christian Couples’ Dinner which are theme-centered as led by the Holy Spirit. This event is organized with every level of excellence – spiritually and physically. The entire programme, registration, venue selection and follow-up of attendees are pre-planned with a series of physical and virtual meetings before and after the event.

Presently, Christian Couples’ Dinner holds in Abeokuta, Abuja, Ibadan and Kaduna, Nigeria.

FRM would be glad to welcome volunteers as co – this cause.

FRM Courses

The ministry runs a series of small-group courses where biblical principles are taught using the provided manuals to enrich lives. The courses are:

  • Marriage Preparatory Course
  • Marriage Course, and
  • Parenting Classes.

We welcome qualified volunteers to serve as either Facilitators or Class Administrator Assistants.

FRM Volunteering Service

The assignment that God has given FRM requires a wide range of co-labourers. More hands are needed for the work; the harvest is indeed ripe. Together, we can achieve more. Opportunities abound to use your skills, or spend your weekends, holidays, dedicated periods, NYSC/pre-NYSC or some other free time you have to serve God through the FRM Volunteer Service.

Everyone interested has a place at FRM. Are you an accountant, tax consultant, legal practitioner, security professional, counsellor, editor, logistics professional, interior decorator, etc? Do you have digital marketing, administrative, IT or secretarial skills?

Come serve with us by offering your professional services unto God at no pay from FRM. FRM highly appreciates your service as a major contribution to the advancement of the ministry’s God-given assignment. However, FRM would not make financial commitments to volunteers because it runs as a non-profit organization. Serving God is a worthy cause because He is a Faithful Rewarder.

Thank you for your availability and for offering your skills without financial rewards. We know that our heavenly Father will reward our labour of love bountifully. God’s Blessings!